Presidency Business School
Bangalore,India, 2013-2018

Practice : Architecture Paradigm, Bangalore
Type : Institutional

Role : Architectural Designer
Project floor area : 150,000 sq.ft


The Presidency Business school is a 12,500 Sq.ft institutional project which caters to 1830 students. The Business school is part of a larger 50 acre University campus which houses other programmes such as the Engineering, Medical & Law schools. The business school sits on a plot of 4.5 acres, bearing a sloped gradient of 9 meters running along the length of the site. This site condition thus drives the movement axis & architectural language of the built. The challenge here is to take advantage of the terrain without diluting the strong presence of the slope.

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The programmes are arranged in an open plan with intermittent connectivity throughout different levels & zones. Accessibility between the blocks is achieved through a series of ramps and landings, allowing for a handicap accessible campus. The business school is zoned into classroom areas, faculty blocks, administrative areas & recreational areas. These spaces are formally interwoven into each other through terraced landscaped areas & volumetric organizations.